
Erin Horack

Erin Horack, a first-year biotechnology major at Penn State Berks

Credit: Erin Horack

Erin Horack, a first-year biotechnology major at Penn State Berks, 最近,她因研究斑点灯笼蝇而获得了两项一等奖. She was named a 2021 Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar and she also took first place honors at the National FFA Agriscience competition for her research.

For the Regeneron Science Talent Search competition, Horack的项目名为“Lycorma delicatula的线粒体DNA与L. 基于寄主植物单糖浓度的纤毛虫取食模式.她的研究考察了入侵斑点灯笼蝇捕食偏好的遗传基础.

她还获得了美国未来农民(FFA)竞赛的最高荣誉,以及她在环境服务和自然资源系统:第5组类别中的个人研究, 她在2021年宾夕法尼亚农业展期间的农业科学公平竞赛中展示的.

霍拉克对斑点灯笼蝇的研究兴趣始于她在康拉德·韦瑟高中(Conrad Weiser High School)上大一的时候,她的农业科学老师讨论了2014年在宾夕法尼亚州发现的入侵性亚洲昆虫,这种昆虫已经蔓延到几个县和邻近的州. She was surprised that little was known about the spotted lanternfly, which causes serious damage in trees, vines, crops and many other types of plants.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture在美国,斑灯蝇对宾夕法尼亚州的农业构成了巨大威胁. 经济影响可能总计数亿美元,并为葡萄种植者提供数十万个工作岗位, apple, hops and hardwood industries. 

Horack的FFA竞赛项目调查了植物汁液的碳水化合物比例是否可以用来预测入侵斑点灯笼蝇的摄食偏好. 她的研究结果表明,似乎能吸引更多斑点灯笼蝇的植物, such as the tree of heaven and sugar maple, have higher sucrose and lower glucose and fructose concentrations. 这项研究有助于预测哪些树种最有可能受到斑点灯笼蝇的严重损害.

她还利用线粒体DNA测序,将在宾夕法尼亚州发现的斑点灯笼蝇与在韩国发现的斑点灯笼蝇进行了比较, Japan and China. 她发现,宾夕法尼亚州的斑点灯笼蝇与韩国和日本的斑点灯笼蝇更接近, illustrating that  this insect can adapt quickly, according to Horack.

She said her research has had its setbacks, 包括她在实验室培育斑点灯笼蝇时遇到的困难. 她解释说,她从树上取下斑点灯笼蝇的卵,把它们放在孵化器里, but they didn’t survive for long.

Currently, 霍拉克期待着能够继续在赌博平台大全进行研究. 有了更多以实验室为中心的研究机会——而不是实地研究——她未来的研究将使她远离斑点灯笼蝇.

当被问及为什么选择赌博平台大全时,霍拉克解释说:“赌博平台大全有很多东西可以提供. 我一生都想成为十大正规赌博平台大全的一员,我想从小事做起. I also wanted to get the most value for my tuition dollars. But most importantly, I wanted to go to Penn State.” She comments that both her parents are Penn State alumni. 除了学术和研究之外,霍拉克还是女子足球队的成员.

“I really like it here. 那里有一种家庭氛围,教授们对你感兴趣的东西感兴趣,并了解学生,” Horack added.

她毕业后的最终目标是进行研究,帮助人们,造福社会. 她计划在制药或农业行业从事DNA和遗传学研究, and then eventually go to grad school.

About Regeneron Science Talent Search
Sponsored by the Society for Science, the Regeneron Science Talent Search 这是美国历史最悠久、最负盛名的高中学生科学和数学竞赛吗. 2021年,这300名学者和他们的学校每人获得2000美元的奖励. Scholars were selected based on their exceptional research skills, commitment to academics, innovative thinking and promise as scientists from 1,760 applications received from 611 high schools across 45 states.


About the FFA Agriscience Fair
国家FFA农业科学博览会认可那些获得现实世界的学生, hands-on experiences in agricultural enterprises. 学生运用科学原理和新兴技术解决与农业相关的复杂问题, food and natural resources. The agriscience fair is for middle and high school students. 学生们在农业博览会的六个类别中进行比赛,并在六个部门中的一个中进行个人或团队比赛.

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