Master Watershed Steward Jayné Park-Martinez sparks conservation efforts

Jayne crouches on the ground with two kids as they do yard work

jayn Park-Martinez自2018年以来一直志愿参加十大正规赌博平台大全扩展项目的流域管理硕士项目.

Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - jayn帕克-马丁内斯于2018年开始在十大正规赌博平台大全扩展项目的流域管理硕士项目中做志愿者,从那时起就一直在对周围社区产生影响.

With a background in geology, 帕克-马丁内斯也是赌博平台大全的助理教授,她首先在自己的后院安装了一个雨水花园,然后运用这项新技能重新种植了赌博平台大全的一个雨水盆地.

Since then, 她帮助了无数社区成员在他们自己的院子里安装雨水花园.

“My favorite part about volunteering is helping others succeed,” Park-Martinez said. “Watching someone take so much pride in the tree that they planted, and realizing how much of a long-term impact they are making, is so valuable.”

Through these experiences, she said she quickly discovered her passion for revegetation, which led to further expansion into areas like riparian buffers and native species.

帕克-马丁内斯扩展了这个项目,与分水岭管理员志愿者和十大正规赌博平台大全的伯克一起收集研究数据,” said Natalie Marioni, Master Watershed Stewards coordinator for Berks and Schuylkill counties.

This knowledge led Park-Martinez to assist The Highlands, a local retirement community, 她在保育区和对安装雨水花园感到好奇的社区成员之间充当中间人.

Previously, when faced with stormwater basins that would quickly fill with water, 高地场地委员会一直不确定他们是否可以通过种植雨水花园来解决这个问题. However, through communication and education efforts, 帕克-马丁内斯成功地在社区内倡导了环保主义者的声音.

Today, 高地已经加入了切萨皮克湾基金会的1000万棵树资助的幼苗计划,并正在种植500多棵幼苗, 此外,通过重新引入本地植物物种,将他们的校园从草坪改造成野生环境.

“我真的很喜欢看着苏格兰高地从一个非常温和的目标,到探索无限的可能性,重新打造自己的生活空间,” Park-Martinez said. “很高兴看到社区里的人们对保护充满冒险精神并采取行动.”

Park-Martinez与Berks County Parks and Recreation at Gring’s Mill合作,种植了由拨款资助的幼苗,并沿着小溪建立了一个河岸缓冲区——一个位于水体旁边的区域,里面有植物物种,旨在支持周围的环境. 该项目还包括一个活木桩苗圃,并由Park-Martinez的两门课程的学生协助:生物学435:湖泊和溪流生态学和运动机能学72:步行健身.

她说,她首先让学生们了解像灌木金银花这样的入侵物种的有害影响, multiflora rose and Japanese knotweed on the local environment. Students give back to the community by learning to identify invasive species, flagging them with surveyor’s tape, and then removing them from the streamside ecosystem.

In years to come, 这些活的树桩将有助于确保河床被侵蚀的部分与本地植物物种的结合将持续和健康.

In Park-Martinez’s current project, 她正在与阿尔萨斯镇合作,在被道路施工破坏的河岸缓冲区种植幼苗. 许多土地所有者可能不知道该重新种植什么,甚至没有资金或时间来重新种植, she explained.

As part of the ongoing pilot, 帕克-马丁内斯最近与该镇合作,向位于河边和路边的土地所有者寄信, offering to provide them with seedlings to raise. Once these seedlings have matured, 它们将被收获作为活桩,以便在道路施工对水道造成附带损害的情况下被乡镇利用.

Due to climate change, precipitation has become more intense, which leads to more streams getting heavily eroded, explained Park-Martinez. 她说,该项目的另一个可能的好处是,通过加强河岸缓冲,可以减轻一些损害.

“帕克-马丁内斯主动对她的社区产生持久的影响,这是我钦佩她对分水岭管理大师团队的贡献,” Marioni said.

Park-Martinez said that overall, 她最喜欢的志愿服务之一是,听到Master Watershed Steward团队的每个人如何影响当地社区,这是一件很有意义的事情.

“Whether it is planting trees at schools or teaching kids to fish, 有很多志愿者同时造福人类和自然的故事,” Park-Martinez said. “I would encourage anyone who is interested in making a difference to get involved. It is a wonderful way to get educated on conservation efforts, give back to the local community and grow a network of friends.”

十大正规赌博平台大全流域管理硕士项目为志愿者提供流域管理方面的广泛培训, in return, 在大学研究和建议的基础上教育社区关于流域管理的知识. 该方案的建立是为了加强当地管理和保护流域的能力, streams, and rivers, by educating and empowering volunteers across the commonwealth.

Anyone interested in becoming a Master Watershed Steward can learn more about the program on the Penn State Extension website.
