
赌博平台大全研究员, 谁是国际高血压预防指南的合著者, 讨论运动的好处和其他建议
One person wearing a stethoscope takes the blood pressure of another person

Praveen Veerabhadrappa经常和学生一起做研究项目. 他和亚利桑那·施雷克, 运动学专业的大四学生, have worked together on a variety of projects including studying heart rate variability using wearable devices.  


WYOMISSING,爸爸. ——Praveen Veerabhadrappa, 赌博平台大全运动机能学副教授, was part of a panel of 43 scientists from 18 countries convened by the International Society of 高血压 (ISH) College of Experts to review current research on new directions in hypertension prevention 和 develop recommendations that individuals can apply to their own lives. 结果论文发表在 高血压杂志, the official journal of both ISH 和 the European Society of 高血压. 自9月发布以来, 这篇论文受到了国际媒体的关注, 包括来自 英国广播公司印度快报

Veerabhadrappa spoke with Penn State 新闻 about the work 和 what people can do to help prevent hypertension.  


Veerabhadrappa: 高血压, 血压持续升高的状态, 是心脏病的主要危险因素吗, 这是全世界的主要死因, 还有其他严重的健康问题. 高血压影响1人以上.40亿人死亡,每天造成28000多人死亡. 虽然最初, 它不会引起任何症状, 如果不及时治疗,也会导致中风, 心脏病, 肾脏疾病, 视力丧失和痴呆.  


Veerabhadrappa: My current research focuses on incorporating ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to gauge a subject’s blood pressure for a 24-hour period. This is what we call “real-world blood pressure,” 和 this technique is used widely in Europe. My student research group works in the 宾州州立银行 Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology Lab to study the cardio-metabolic effects of sedentary behavior using wearables, 比如Fitbit或Apple Watch, 追踪赌博平台大全学生的活动和睡眠情况. We have seen that most college students don’t tend to meet the physical activity guidelines set by American College of Sports Medicine. 我们也注意到不活动的程度, inadequate sleep 和 mental health issues have compounded after the recent global p和emic. 


Veerabhadrappa: I was specifically tasked to contribute to the physical activity section based on my expertise in cardiovascular exercise physiology. 我们知道不运动的生活方式会导致高血压. By engaging in regular physical exercise 和 limiting sedentary behavior, 许多人可以有效地控制血压. It is important to increase aerobic exercise to meet the current recommendation of 150 to 300 minutes of physical activity per week performed at moderate intensity, 比如快走, 或者75到150分钟的剧烈运动, 比如慢跑. The aerobic exercise must be combined with resistance or muscle strengthening exercise on at least two nonconsecutive days each week. 除了, 偶然的活动, defined as unplanned movement that we do over the course of the day — such as stair climbing, 主动做家务, carrying groceries or playing with children — is separate from intentional exercise 和 has a lot of health benefits. Such brief busts of activities that do not require extra time commitments or any special equipment can be easily embedded into our daily life. 

这种经历是一种“从实践到理论”的方法, as my contribution to this paper ties nicely with my teaching of the current physical activity guidelines 和 exercise prescription in my “Kinesiology 456 Physical Fitness Appraisal” 和 “Kinesiology 457 Exercise Prescription 和 Case Studies” courses. I truly believe that exercise is key to good health 和 that exercise is the best medicine.  


Veerabhadrappa: 该研究为预防该病指明了新的方向, 除了更传统的方法, could be used as an effective first-line defense against hypertension. 虽然体育锻炼一直是传统的建议, isometric resistance exercise — which involves the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint — also has a preventative effect. 

Other lifestyle management recommendations show that stress reduction techniques such as listening to music, 正念练习, 应该推荐冥想和瑜伽. People should also be advised to get quality sleep 和 reduce their exposure to air pollution. The paper highlights these strategies alongside long-st和ing recommendations to maintain a healthy weight, 定期锻炼, 减少久坐行为, 健康饮食, 减少盐的摄入量, 戒烟,限制或停止饮酒.  

Developing these daily health habits is a holistic approach to high blood pressure prevention for people across the globe. 


Veerabhadrappa: I was motivated by family members who suffer from hypertension, including my father 和 gr和parents. 作为一个在印度长大的年轻人, I would often accompany my gr和parents to the physician for the condition. 我想站在对抗高血压的第一线, 所以我在完成本科学业后, I earned both my master’s 和 doctoral degrees in exercise physiology at Temple University. 从那时起, I have dedicated my professional career to finding ways to help people live longer, 通过锻炼获得更健康的生活.  

It has always been my dream to frame health guidelines for physicians in the fight against hypertension. My family is proud of me as these guidelines have the potential for a global impact in our battle against high blood pressure. 
