创造十大正规赌博平台大全's OriginLabs helps CarToCamp kick-start prototyping process


内森Bonslaver, CarToCamp创始人, turned to OriginLabs for help prototyping a new version of his car sleeping platform product. 在OriginLabs技术人员的指导下, Bonslaver was able to make use of machines like the CNC router, a tool used to cut the plywood that composes CarToCamp’s sleeping platforms.


宾州大学公园. — After spending a summer car-camping across the United States, 宾州州立银行 alumnus 内森Bonslaver saw market potential for a comfortable and convenient car sleeping solution. 他创立了CarToCamp, 一排车厢卧铺站台, while still working towards his mechanical engineering degree at Penn State.

“基本上, it's like a bed frame that fits in the back of your car and then two people can comfortably sleep in the car, 你可以把你的装备放在下面,Bonslaver说.

作为一名学生,Bonslaver与 博克斯LaunchBox 十大正规赌博平台大全为他的创业公司提供资金. 他通过发明十大正规赌博平台大全赢得了15000美元 公司.你的竞争, a pitch competition where Penn State student startups compete for a prize pool of $30,000.

跟随他的公司.你的成功, Bonslaver was chosen as one of six startup founders to participate in 创造十大正规赌博平台大全’s Summer Founders Program, 哪个提供15美元,000 grant to Penn State student startups to work full-time on their businesses over the summer in State College.

申请 2024年夏季创始人计划 打开2月. 5, 2024.

完成课程后, Bonslaver has seen great success selling his car sleeping platforms, 为38个州的客户批量生产.

2023年初, Bonslaver was looking to create a new version of his product that would significantly reduce both the time and number of steps it takes to manufacture each unit. 邦斯拉沃转过身去 OriginLabs, 创造十大正规赌博平台大全’s prototyping and fabrication space in downtown State College, to start testing.

He began the project by discussing his concept design with Ryan Mandell, OriginLabs总监, 和何塞·努涅斯, 商店经理, both of whom he says were extremely eager to turn his vision into reality.

“Ideas on paper don't always translate smoothly to real life, not at first,” Nunez said. “Prototyping is not only an essential part of working out the design flaws in your product, 但也要迭代你的设计并改进它, 这样你就可以回应客户的反馈.”

一个月的时间, the OriginLabs team provided Bonslaver with continuous guidance and suggested changes throughout the process, 努力使他的原型成功.

“OriginLabs创造了一个安全的地方,你可以在这里提出自己的想法, and they will help you improve it until it’s at a point that it’s ready to be manufactured elsewhere,Bonslaver说.

在OriginLabs技术人员的指导下, Bonslaver was able to make use of machines like the CNC router, a tool used to cut the plywood that composes CarToCamp’s sleeping platforms.

在OriginLabs做了一个月的原型设计后, Bonslaver was able to move his design from the prototyping phase to mass manufacturing, 新设计的平台现在可以在他的网站上找到.

Bonslaver说当生产刚开始的时候, 选错路线很容易, 最终浪费了大量的时间, 资源, 和金钱, which is why the 资源 at OriginLabs are so important for entrepreneurs looking to prototype.

“Because we were able to run through the entire process of manufacturing from steps A to Z, we were able to explore different methods of manufacturing that would affect the manufacturing time of the product,Bonslaver说.

Bonslaver says that one key takeaway he learned from OriginLabs was how much time it takes to run the machines that are required for the manufacturing process. 现在, 当CarToCamp转向制造商时, 他会知道每个过程需要多长时间, ensuring that he does not get over-charged for hourly machines. 

Bonslaver says he looks forward to potentially working with some of the latest machines brought into OriginLabs, 包括激光切割机和折弯机, 来制作一个新的CarToCamp产品的原型.

“我们将开始使用金属板材, and we’re super excited about exploring new materials and manufacturing processes at OriginLabs a year after our initial product release,Bonslaver说.


位于Eric J. 位于市中心州立大学的巴伦创新中心, OriginLabs provides access to world-class prototyping facilities to students and faculty from across campus, as well as members of the public from State College and beyond. The OriginLabs facilities enhance the suite of 资源 available to researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs in the region in the form of sophisticated equipment, 免费的研讨会, 并提供专家咨询和技术指导.

This project was financed in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚, 社区及经济发展司.