“不再一个”被美国认可.S. 宾夕法尼亚州东区检察官办公室.


"不再一个: A Peace and Justice Project" has been selected as a 2024 Love & 由美国颁发的轻型荣誉勋章.S. 宾夕法尼亚州东区检察官办公室. 的爱 & Light Recognition Tour spotlights remarkable individuals and organizations that exemplify love, 给社区带来光明和振奋.

图片来源:Ebonie Cunningham Stringer

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — "不再一个: A Peace and Justice Project" has been selected as a 2024 Love & 由美国颁发的轻型荣誉勋章.S. 宾夕法尼亚州东区检察官办公室. 的爱 & Light Recognition Tour spotlights remarkable individuals and organizations that exemplify love, 给社区带来光明和振奋. "不再一个" was selected for its passionate commitment to the 博克斯 County community.  
的爱 and Light Recognition Ceremony was held on May 1, at 615 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 埃伯尼·坎宁安·斯金格, associate professor of criminal justice and executive director of 不再一个, 代表项目获得奖项.  

The mission of the 不再一个 program is to help eradicate violence in city of 阅读. 2023年,十大正规赌博平台大全的伯克斯获得了1美元的奖金.62 million grant from the 宾西法尼亚 Commission on Crime and Delinquency to establish a youth violence intervention and prevention program, a new initiative that will employ evidence-based strategies to serve youth ages 14 to 21 in 博克斯 County. 除了建立这个项目, objectives of the grant include working with community partners to identify youth who are at-risk of committing violence, 他们还称他们为“和平缔造者”.这项多年期拨款将持续到2025年.     

Cunningham Stringer is the principal investigator on the grant along with co-investigator Laurie Grobman, 杰出的英语和妇女研究教授.   
“不再一个: A Peace and Justice Project” was created to facilitate work on the grant and beyond. Stringer and Grobman are working in collaboration with Edna Garcia-DiPini, RIZE Above Bars的执行董事, 伯克斯县的一个非营利性青年组织. Stringer serves as the executive director of 不再一个; Garcia-DiPini is director of programs and Grobman is director of special projects and story project facilitator.   
不再一个促进新形成的  伯克青年反暴力联盟, a collaborative working group comprised of youth-serving community organizations, 信仰社区, 学校, community leaders and government-sponsored agencies that work to eradicate violence in 博克斯 County. The coalition’s mission is to reduce the duplication of services, 解决青年服务方面的差距, promote information sharing and connect youth to community resources from which they may benefit, all in an effort to help create a community in which all youth can live, flourish and develop to their full potential without fear of violence.   

Specific project goals for the grant include reducing violent crime and gun violence among youth ages 14-21; developing and monitoring violence prevention plans for 40 youth at risk of violence; changing community norms about violence through education, 培训, the arts and nonviolent messaging; empowering residents and youth who have committed or been impacted by violence to share responsibility for reducing violence; and facilitating the 博克斯 Youth Antiviolence Coalition.   
“One of our primary goals is to learn whether the evidence-based cure violence model can work to reduce youth violence in 阅读,斯金格说.   
She said she is motivated by the desire to continue to refine evidence-based models that other cities can use to eradicate violence. The cure violence model takes a public health approach to eradicating violence by detecting and deescalating conflict before violence erupts, targeting and providing treatment services to youth who are at the highest risk of violence as victims or perpetrators, 改变助长暴力的社区规范.   
Stringer is also interested in getting religious and civic organizations, as well as businesses invested in the fight against community violence. “这些往往是未充分利用的资源, and it’s going to take the entire village to protect children from gun violence,”她说。.    
Grobman has taken on the primary role of collecting and sharing the community’s stories about violence. She explained that people need to hear stories about how violence impacts members of the community in both direct and indirect ways. 
“More people will understand why they need to become involved in violence intervention and prevention,”她说。, explaining that she hopes storytelling will also help individuals better understand their experiences and the power of their voices.    
For more information about "不再一个: A Peace and Justice Project,“暴力干预和预防项目 伯克青年反暴力联盟,请与斯金格联系 610-396-6018 或电邮至 (电子邮件保护)